Our new website has launched!

We are excited to release our completely re-designed website! The new and improved website was built with a fluid/responsive layout, allowing the site itself to adjust based on the device displaying the website. This ensures we are delivering content to you in the best format for your device. car rental Beyond just looking impressive, the new site shows off and explains all the amazing new and current features available to you!

We did not stop at applying a fluid/responsive layout to our website, additionally we are branching out to include it within our lead system. Being in the event & exhibit industry we see many different device sizes and resolutions, and it is inevitable that device dimensions will continue to morph quickly. To ensure everything we build is mindful of technology trends, and while keeping lead tracking and usability in the forefront, we have re-developing the in4med lead system and reporting engine to reflect an adaptive design.

in4med new web design

Very soon, our lead system will no longer be confined to a plugged in stationary device, and will take full advantage of portable devices such a iPads! Sales staff will be able to walk around the exhibit and create leads by just scanning the users badge with their iPad or mobile device. This gives the sales staff the ability to move around and engaged with visitors and still use our lead system to track the visitor and create a quality lead that will be available during and post-show.